Pupil Path Instructions

If already registered, go to https://pupilpath.skedula.com/ to Sign In. 
For instructions on how to register to Access Your Child's Grades, see below:

We are pleased to announce that our school is using the "Pupil Path" website to bring you immediate information regarding your child's education. Pupil Path allows you to view the following:


  • Your child's assignments and projects along with due dates.
  • Your child's performance in each class including homework, classwork, tests and projects. - Progress reports from teachers throughout the school year.
  • Handouts and assignments when your child is absent from school.
  • School announcements and upcoming events.
  • Your child's attendance.


We hope that by enabling you to see this information on a daily basis we will be able to work together to ensure that our children remain on track in every class. As we work together we will ensure that our students get the most out of their education.


To register for Pupil Path, go to https://pupilpath.skedula.com and click "Parents Register" if you are a parent or "Student Register" if you are a student. Then complete the following:


  • Your email address
  • Your prefix (Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Dr.)
  • Your first name
  • Your last name
  • Your child's school (Professional Pathways High School)
  • Your child's OSIS # (9 digit #)
  • Your child's date of birth
  • The registration code



  • Our school (Professional Pathways High School)
  • Your student OSIS # (9 digit #)
  • Your date of birth
  • The registration code